• Westside UU Youth Group

    Supporting teens social, emotional, and spiritual growth and maturity

Youth (current 6th – 12th grades) meet to engage in social, leadership and bonding activities.

We believe in space for gathering with peers and having community. Westside Youth gather for different activities usually after the Sunday Service and begin with a meal together.

Youth Group strives to provide a balanced experience for youth in the program by incorporating the Six Components of a Balanced Youth Ministry:


Worship is an important and sacred part of any balanced youth ministry. Youth worship may be interactive and non-traditional.


Opportunities to develop leadership skills and then put them into practice are integral parts of youth programming.

Justice and Service

Youth have passionate opinions about social issues. Justice and service programming is a way for youth to express and explore our values and put action behind our concerns.


Almost every aspect of programming can provide learning experiences for youth. Small group ministry, covenant groups, or other venues can provide space for healthy discussion—sparked by the topic of a guest speaker, movie, or from youth’s own experiences.

Community Building

Honor our friends and loved ones, and the social aspects of youth programs. Community building, or socializing, is a time for people to get to know one another.

Youth-Adult Relations

The last but certainly not least important component of a balanced youth program is essential. Communities where youth and adults work together and have power with each other have huge potential.

© Westside UU Church
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