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A Socratic approach to talking about humanist topics

Humanism 101

Through the course of our discussions in January and February, we learned that there was a great desire from many to learn more about the basics of Humanism – its history, characteristics, tenets, followers, etc. We were also interested in how Humanism fits under the umbrella of current Unitarian Universalism. To that end, we began taking a closer look.

Before we began our “stay in place” practice, we were utilizing the perspectives of Jennifer Hancock in our Humanism 101 series. Her mantra is “transforming people’s lives through Humanism”.  She has a Facebook page, a website and numerous videos on YouTube if you are interested in delving into her work more.

Some videos of particular interest are:
Intro to Humanism – Part 1 (general info and philosophy)
Intro to Humanism – Part 2 (historical references)
Humanism FAQ 
Famous Humanists 

The UU Humanist Association has a Facebook page that you can join to be able to connect with fellow Humanists during this global pandemic.

If you would like to visit the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) website regarding Humanism, follow this link.